My name is Rahul Rustagi, and I am an incoming Masters student at Georgia Institute of Technology in ECE starting Fall 2024. I received my undergraduate degree at IIT Kanpur in Aerosapce Engineering with Minors in Computer Systems, Machine Learning and English Literature.

I recently worked as a Project Employee at the Helicopter and VTOL Lab and published papers in the field of Aerial Robotics. I am proficient in writing embedded code to implementing optimisation and machine learning algorithms on flight computer during in-flight operations.

Before this, I’ve done research internships at Carleton University (Summer 2023) and WSN Lab, IITK (Summer 2022 - Spring 2022).

My research interests broadly include Embedded Programming, Cyber-Physical Systems, Control and Optimisation, Reinforcement Learning and I am skilled in impementing these for robotics based applications.

Please find a list of my publications under the Research tab.

CV / Resume, Google Scholar Email ID:


Aug 2024:Our paper on "Vision-Guided autonomous UAV landing on moving ship" got accepted in 2025 AIAA SciTech Conference to be held in Orlando, Florida
Aug 2024:Starting Masters program at Georgia Tech in ECE
July 2024:Graduated from IIT Kanpur :)
Apr 2024:Successfully Defended my BTech thesis in front of the undergraduate committee
Nov 2023:Joined the Helicopter and VTOL Laboratory at IIT Kanpur to work under guidance of Dr. Abhishek
Feb 2024:our paper on extending previous work to mobile IoT networks with a multi-objective data offloading and charging function got accepted to IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs
Aug 2023:our paper on employing novel deep reinforcement learning algorithms for time-effecient energy transmitting scheduling in low-powered IoT networks got accepted at the 2022 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)
May 2023:Joined the WSN and IoT Laboratory at IIT Kanpur to work under guidance of Dr. Rajesh Hegde