I am an incoming Masters student at Georgia Tech starting Fall 2024. I am looking for active opportunities to work in robotics projects and be a part of research lab.

I recently finished my BTech at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur in Aerospace Engineering program. I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Abhishek and worked on exciting problems in domain of autonomous controls and vision guided navigation. I served as project associate to conduct my research in the Helicopter and VTOL Laboratory at IIT Kanpur (Spring 2024 - Summer 2024). I have worked with PX4 autopilot system and learned about RTOS alongside embedded level programming. I have had the opportunity to get myself skilled in understanding software systems integrated with ROS and understand communication protocols over distances. I am experienced working with Raspi and NVIDIA Jetson modules to implement Machine Learning models for state estimation and run constrained optimisation generating trajectory on aerial systems real-time.

I’ve spent some excellent summers in academia via internships. In the summer of 2023, I was a recipient of MITACS GRI Scholarship through which I interned at Carleton University in Canada, working with Prof. Chao Shen on developing novel techniques for improving current benchmarks in SLAM and different localisation algrithms. Since then, I have been discussing and working with him to include vision aided localisation improvements in current estimates of monte-carlo localisation algorithms. We are working towards a publication.

In the summer of 2022, I interned at the WSN and IoT Laboratory to work with Dr. Rajesh Hegde on developing scheduling algorithms for deploying a robot energy transmitter in a low powered network of IoT devices. We introduced novelty by exploiting deep reinforcement learning algorithms to adaptively learn the network configuration for deciding optimal path to be followed for effecient wireless charging. I was able to publish my work in IEEE Conference. I continued working further till Fall 2022 to extend the proposed solution to a time-varying IoT network and published my research into IEEE Transactions.

At IIT Kanpur, I’ve been part of technical societies and cultural clubs. I led the Aerial Robotics Team to learn building custom drones, electronics assembly and pilot one! I had a fun time learning, teaching and leading the team in competitions. One of the core thigs that started off my passion in this field.

When I’m not working, I am either playing guitar trying to make a cover or going for a long walk. I also collect Rubiks puzzles! I have participated in WCA competitions for fun.